Stuffed Bull'S Horn Peppers

Stuffed Bull'S Horn Peppers

1. Wash the peppers. Cut off the stems and remove the seeds from inside. Do not break or tear the pepper.

2. Puncture each pepper with a fork in 3-4 places. Stuff each pepper with the cheese. Avoid having any cheese sticking out of the top of your peppers.

3. Broil them over the BBQ, electric grill until tender. Avoid burning the skin.

4. When they are tender and the cheese is hot, place them in a deep dish and pour olive oil and balsamic vinigar over each one. Pour enough oil so that you can dip your bread into it.

5. Sprinkle the garlic (optional) and sprinkle with salt. Cover and let stand for a couple of hours, swirling them around gently once in a while.

6. Serve at room temperature. Can be stored in fridge for 3-4 days.


