Stuffed Chicken For 6

Stuffed Chicken For 6

1. Cut open the chest of a chicken of (1. 5 –1. 8 Kg) and debone the ribs.

2. Careful not to torn the skin.

3. An easier way is to ask your butcher to do it!

4. Filling; 500 gr minced turkey or minced beef.

5. Cut 1 onion, then fry it slightly brown, let it cool.

6. Soak 2 pieces of bread in water.

7. Mince 300 gr of white mushrooms into very small bits.

8. Mix 3+4+5+6 together, add spices, salt&pepper; to liking (I use meatball spices) Slice 2 big onions in thin rings.

9. Stuff the chicken with the filling mix, then with the big needle and wire, saw the chicken together again.

10. Wash approx 1 kg potatoes, keep the skin, and slice them very thinly, like the onions.

11. In a glass dish put 3 spoons of olive oil, then place the sliced onions, the potatoes add thyme and laurel, blend all together Make some room for the chicken in the middle.

12. Bake in the oven for 2 hours on 150-160 degrees C.

13. Check the dish from time to time, moving the potatoes.

14. The onions will caramelize and the potatoes will soak the chicken’s fats.

15. If it bakes too hard, cover with aluminium foil, and lower the temperature.

16. Before serving take the wires away.

17. Leftovers (if any) are very tasty cold too!


