Stuffed Peppers With Pork And Rice

Stuffed Peppers With Pork And Rice

1. cook the rice as you normally do (follow the packet instructions) leave to one side.

2. soften the onions in a large pan.

3. add the diced celery.

4. add the pork and stir in well allowing to colour.

5. then put in the garlic, tomato purée, dried oregano, smoked paprika, salt and pepper and stir inches.

6. cook the mixture together for a minute then add the vegetable stock, stir in well and allow to reduce by about half.

7. At this point cut your peppers in half and scoop out any seeds or white ridges (leave the green stalk as it holds it together).

8. When the pan mixture has reduced mix in the rice and then stuff the peppers with the mix.

9. Give a little drizzle of olive oil and an optional sprinkle of grated cheese.

10. Bake in a medium hot oven for about 30-60 minutes (so the peppers colour and soften but don't over do it).

11. Serve.


