Stuffed Veal Brisket

Stuffed Veal Brisket

1. Preheat oven to 325F; spray a large roasting pan with Pam and set aside.

2. In a small bowl, combine minced garlic, salt, pepper, mustard, paprika and thyme; with your hands, rub this mixture on the inside and outside of your brisket; if roast doesn't have much fat, add 1 tbsp olive oil to garlic mixture before rubbing on roast.

3. Using your favourite stuffing, stuff the brisket lightly and fasten with skewers or tie with kitchen string.

4. Place in roasting pan and surround with onion, celery and carrots.

5. Pour broth and wine over all, and place cover on roasting pan.

6. Bake for 3 hours, basting occasionally; remove cover and cook for about 45 minutes longer, or until done to your preference.


