Stuffing Vegetable Lasagne

Stuffing Vegetable Lasagne

1. Over medium heat, sauté the vegetables until quite tender.

2. Add salt if desired to flavor.

3. Add stuffing mix, along with butter and water (the more stuffing you use, the more water you will need), a little at a time until the stuffing is soft.

4. Mix thoroughly.

5. In a baking pan, spoon half of the mixture in and top with half of meat sauce, and desired amount of cheese.

6. Spoon remaining vegetable mixture over that and layer once again with remaining meat sauce.

7. For crispiness, dry stuffing can also be tossed into the layers.

8. On top, put another layer of cheese.

9. Bake in oven at 350°F for ten minutes or until cheese melts and bubbles, slightly browned.

10. Enjoy!


