Super Easy Charred Veggie Couscous

Super Easy Charred Veggie Couscous

1. Slice and prepare all of the veggies/garlic and set aside in med. bowl.

2. Measure out the couscous and pour in a lg. bowl, toss with salt and onion powder. Set aside.

3. Bring the vegetable broth to a boil in a small saucepan; once boiling pour the vegetable broth over the uncooked couscous, cover with a lid and set a timer for 5 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, heat a lg. cast-iron pan and drizzle lightly with olive oil; once the pan is very hot add all of the veegies and the minced garlic. Leave the veggies on their side for 1-3 minutes until slightly charred and crisp. Flip to the other side and cook until slightly tender; but still crisp.

5. Uncover the couscous and toss in the cooked veggies, fluff with a fork. Serve.


