Super Supremo Greek Pasta Salad

Super Supremo Greek Pasta Salad

1. Note: This recipe is largely played by ear. I’ve approximated the measurements for the ingredients but it really is trial and error. All I can say is be generous with the vinegar and seasoning and you really can’t go wrong!

2. Follow directions on box for cooking pasta; cook al dente. I like to add salt to the water once it starts boiling, adds a little flavor to the pasta.

3. While the pasta is cooking, clean and chop your veggies. I like my onions chopped pretty small but will leave large chunks for the bell pepper. The grape tomatoes I just slice in half. Toss all ingredients in a large bowl, as this will make a big batch. Drain olives and add to the mix.

4. When the pasta is finished cooking, drain and run under cold water to stop it from cooking further and cool it off.

5. Add the vinegar, olive oil, garlic, and seasoning to the veggies and add pasta to the bowl. Use salad tongs to mix ‘er up.

6. Finally add the feta and parmesan cheese. Mix everything together and taste test. Add more vinegar and seasoning as necessary. I like to add a dash of lemon juice for a bit of extra zip.

7. Allow the salad to sit for about an hour so the flavors can mix together. I usually get a little impatient and have a teeny bit right after I make it but it really is best if it’s allowed to sit for a while. Best served at room temperature.

8. Enjoy!


