Swahili Coconut Or Peanut Sweet (Kashata)

Swahili Coconut Or Peanut Sweet (Kashata)

1. NOTE: 2 cups roasted peanuts, shells and skins removed, briefly heated in a lightly oiled skillet -- or -- a mixture of both coconut and peanuts may be used in place of the grated coconut.

2. In a hot skillet, heat the sugar until it melts and just begins to brown.

3. Reduce heat and quickly add all other ingredients, stirring well as each ingredient is added. When all ingredients have been added to the mixture, continue stirring for about a minute, making sure everything is well mixed.

4. Scoop the mixture into a pan that has been lightly greased or lined with waxed paper. Let rest for a few minutes. Cut into squares or diamonds while still warm.

5. Let cool and serve.


