Swedish Style, Vegan Kofta Balls

Swedish Style, Vegan Kofta Balls

1. Heat enough oil in a pan that's appropriate for deed-frying foods; the oil should be at least 1 inch deep.

2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl; mush the mixture through your clean hands until well combined and balls can be formed. Form dough into approximately 24 balls that measure roughly about 1 inch in diameter. Resist the temptation to add liquids to the mix. There is enough liquid in the grated vegetables to make the mixture come together. If you absolutely must, add no more than a teaspoon of liquid.

3. Place as many of the balls in the hot, but not smoking, oil as possible, leaving enough room for them to float comfortably; fry over medium to high heat (depending on the type of oil you use and the type of range you have) for 10 minutes. The kofta balls should be a rich golden brown color. They will get darker after they are removed from the oil.

4. When the frying process is complete, remove the kofta balls from the hot oil and place them into a colander to drain over a plate—or—onto a plate with paper towels to absorb some of the excess oil.

5. Place the kofta balls into the tomato sauce of your choice, or into whichever other sauce you may be using, for approximately 5 minutes prior to serving.

6. If, after sitting for 5 minutes, the kofta balls have soaked up a lot of the sauce, adding a little water will help reconstitute your sauce.

7. Serve with cooked pasta and tomato sauce, or serve with a white cream-style gravy and herb-rubbed potatoes. Experiment, enjoy, and be amazed!


