Swedish Yorkshire Pudding (No, That'S Not A Typo!)

Swedish Yorkshire Pudding (No, That'S Not A Typo!)

1. Also need 1 book of Viking drinking songs.

2. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl.

3. Make a well in the centre, tip in the egg and a little of the milk.

4. Beat well, and then gradually mix in the flour, adding more of the milk until batter is smooth (the consistency of thick cream).

5. Sing Viking drinking song while allowing the mixture to stand for approximately 30 minutes.

6. Place a teaspoon of beef dripping in small tin (s) or your brother's best battle helmet.

7. Heat the tin (s)/helmet (s) in the oven at 220 Celsius/ 325 Fahrenheit for 5 minutes until the fat is smoking.

8. Sing a 5-minute Viking drinking song while it is heating.

9. Remove the tin (s)/helmet (s) from the oven and pour in the batter and put back into the oven.

10. Bake until well-risen, puffy and golden brown (small ones take 10 to 15 minutes, large ones 40 to 45 minutes if cooked in one tin).

11. In the meantime, sing lots more drinking songs and go pillage the nearest village, but make sure you get back in time to check how the cooking is going.

12. Serve 1 or 2 puddings along with meat and vegetables and lashings of gravy.

13. Sleep after a hard day's activity and dream of Valhalla and immortality in the hall of the Scandinavian gods.


