Sweet Chili Sauce

Sweet Chili Sauce

1. Prepare tomatoes - wash and peel if desired.

2. Chop tomatoes, onions & peppers (seeds removed).

3. Pour into a large stock pot (do not use aluminum due to the high acid of the tomatoes),adding the remaining ingredients, mixing well.

4. Cook on medium low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 3 - 3.5 hours. The time will depend on how juicy your tomatoes are. It's 'done' when it has thickened but still retains some liquid.

5. *Use white or brown. The amount of sugar depends on how sweet you like it and how sweet your tomatoes are. If the tomatoes are a bit bitter, add more sugar. I usually use about 3/4 cups, mixing white & brown together.

6. Bottle into hot sterilized jars and seal.

7. The quantity will depend on how thick or juicy you prefer it. Makes about 4 pints.


