Sweet Cocanic

Sweet Cocanic

1. Grind the grated coconut.

2. Fry it in a little butter on low flame.

3. Simulatenously, in another utensil, mix condensed milk, butter and ground sugar on low flame.

4. Once it mixes up well, add the flavours, colours and essence according to taste and requirement (mostly 2 drops each).

5. Add the ground coconut and milk powder.

6. Stir well on low flame.

7. Once everything is well mixed, remove from flame.

8. Mould in any shape you want, example, a boat or a Santa Claus or fairy (anything!).

9. Garnish as desired.

10. You could use Smarties, for instance or choc chips, anything, really!

11. Enjoy your pineapple-coco-rose sweet cocanic!


