Sweet Mustard Pickles

Sweet Mustard Pickles

1. Cut the Cucumbers lengthways and discard the seeds: scrape out with a spoon.

2. Dice Onions,Green Tomatoes,Cauliflower and Cucumbers.

3. Place into Boiler, Cover with Brine and let stand overnight.

4. Next day: Place Boiler on the Stove and bring to the boil then drain into a Colander.

5. Return the Boiler to the Stove with sauce mix and Boil until it thickens Stir constantly on a Low heat. Otherwise the sauce will stick.

6. Add vegetables bring to a boil and then simmer for 10 minutes.

7. Place in Clean Jars and allow to cool.

8. Cover with Lid and Store in Cupboard.

9. Keeps for 12 months . but it won't last that long !


