Sweet Potato Curry

Sweet Potato Curry

1. Chop sweet potato, squash, and beans while you are waiting for pot to boil.

2. Throw beans and squash in boiling pot and blanch for 3-5 minutes then remove from pot. Bring water back to a rolling boil.

3. Once pot is at a rolling boil add chopped sweet potatoes and cook until almost fork tender.

4. Once sweet potato is done drain pot and place sweet potatoes in a hot pan with one tbl of coconut oil. Sear all edges of pieces. Once pieces are crisp remove (gently) from pan.

5. Add another tbl spoon of coconut oil to pan. Heat on medium.Add chopped onion and saute until tender. Add beans and squash to hot pan and sear vegetables until soft.

6. In separate pan heat tablespoon of coconut oil on medium to low heat. Add tablespoon of curry powder and saute for a minute. Add minced garlic, cayenne, and red pepper flakes to saute. Lastly turn down heat, temper milk and then add remainder to pan. Stir and bring to simmer.

7. Once curry sauce is thick and creamy pour over the mixed vegetables and toss. Serve with rice.


