Sweet Potatoes Twice Baked

Sweet Potatoes Twice Baked

1. Wash potatoes then blot dry.

2. Prick potatoes with a fork to allow steam to escape.

3. Rub a light coating of vegetable oil onto potato skins.

4. Bake in 375 degree oven until tender, 35 to 45 minutes.

5. Cut a thin lengthwise slice from the top of each potato.

6. Scoop out inside being careful to leave a thin shell.

7. Mash potatoes in a mixing bowl until no lumps remain.

8. Add butter, brown sugar, raisins, nuts, drained pineapple and cinnamon.

9. Fill potato skins with mixture.

10. For the second baking step, increase oven to 400 degrees.

11. Place potatoes in an oven-proof dish.

12. Bake for about 20 minutes.

13. Remove dish from oven.

14. Set oven to broil.

15. Place several miniature marshmallows on top of each potato, then place under broiler.

16. Marshmallows will brown quickly, so observe until marshmallows are soft and slightly brown.

17. Place a sheet of aluminum foil on lower rack of oven to catch drippings from potatoes while they are baking.


