Sweet Sindhi Flatbreads (Masala Loli)

Sweet Sindhi Flatbreads (Masala Loli)

1. Combine the flour, salt, green chiles, tomato, onion, cilantro, garlic, and ginger.

2. Slowly add the 4 tablespoons of hot oil, rubbing it into the flour. rub the flour and seasonings well for 10 minutes, extracting as much liquid from the seasonings as possible. See if you can form a ball of dough. If you cannot, slowly add 2-4 tablespoons water, or enough to form a very firm dough. Knead well and form a ball.

3. Cover the dough ball with plastic wrap and set aside for 2-4 hours.

4. Knead the dough again. If it has gotten too wet, add a little flour. If too dry, add a few drops of water.

5. Set a cast-iron griddle, cast-iron frying pan, or Indian tava over medium-high heat.

6. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Oil your hands lightly and make 4 balls. Flatten the balls to make 4 patties. Keep 3 balls covered while you work with the fourth.

7. Now, on a lightly oiled surface, roll out the patty into a 5 1/4-inch round. (The edges might be slightly rough but that is as it should be.) Prick a few holes on the bread with a fork.

8. Slap the bread onto the hot griddle. Cook about 1 minute on the first side. Turn the bread over and cook the second side for a minute.

9. Turn it over again. Reduce heat to medium. Now dribble about 1/2 teaspoon oil on the griddle very near the circumference of the bread. Cook 30 seconds, pressing down on the bread with a spatula.

10. Turn the bread again, dribbling another 1/2 teaspoon of oil near its circumference. Cook 30 seconds, pressing down on the bread again.

11. Keep turning every 30 seconds or so until the bread has a few brown spots and is cooked through, 4-5 minutes in all.

12. Remove and keep covered.

13. Turn the heat up to medium-high again and make the second bread. Make all the breads this way.


