Sweetened Potato Cake (Suesser Eifeler Doeppekooche)

Sweetened Potato Cake (Suesser Eifeler Doeppekooche)

1. Peel and grate potatoes, put into a strainer over a plate to drain and reserve the liquid.

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

3. Cream together eggs, cream, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, salt, raisins and chopped plums.

4. Peel, core and grind the apple, mix with drained potatoes.

5. Warm a round 9 inch springform in the oven, melt butter in the springform and grease the springform with the molten butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

6. Stir potatoes and apple into egg mixture, mix in some of the reserved potato starch (I used all the starchy liquid, but depending on the size of the eggs maybe only use half of it so it doesn't get soggy). Pour the mixture into the warm greased springform.

7. Bake about 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees F.

8. Serve warm with vanilla sauce, brown sugar and cinnamon or syrup (traditionally sugar beet syrup, but if you don't have it, any kind will be fine, I suppose).


