Swiss Chard Spanakopita Casserole

Swiss Chard Spanakopita Casserole

1. Preheat oven to 350°.

2. Heat a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat.

3. Add white onion; sauté 7 minutes or until golden. Add green onions and garlic, and sauté 1 minute.

4. Stir in chard; cook 2 minutes or until chard wilts.

5. Stir in parsley and mint, and cook 1 minute. Place in a large bowl; cool slightly.

6. Stir in cheeses, salt, pepper, and egg whites.

7. Place 1 phyllo sheet on a large cutting board (cover remaining phyllo to prevent drying), and coat with cooking spray.

8. Top with 1 phyllo sheet, and coat with cooking spray. Repeat procedure with 3 additional sheets.

9. Cut phyllo stack into a 14-inch square. Place square in center of a 13 x 9-inch baking dish coated with cooking spray, allowing phyllo to extend up long sides of dish.

10. Cut 14 x 4-inch piece into 2 (7 x 4-inch) rectangles.

11. Fold each rectangle in half lengthwise.

12. Place a rectangle against each short side of dish.

13. Spread the chard mixture evenly over phyllo.

14. Place 1 phyllo sheet on a large cutting board (cover remaining phyllo to prevent drying), and coat with cooking spray.

15. Top with 1 phyllo sheet, and coat with cooking spray.

16. Repeat procedure with remaining phyllo sheets. Place 18 x 14-inch phyllo stack over chard mixture.

17. Fold phyllo edges into center. Coat with cooking spray.

18. Score phyllo by making 2 lengthwise cuts and 3 crosswise cuts to form 12 rectangles. Bake at 350° for 40 minutes or until golden.

19. Note: Cut the phyllo stacks so they fit in and up the long side of the baking dish. Arrange folded section against short edges of dish to encase filling.


