Swiss Cheese Bake

Swiss Cheese Bake

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. LIBERALLY butter a 9 by 13 glass pan.

3. Line the botom and the sides with sliced swiss cheese.

4. Add a layer of green onions to cover the cheese.

5. Sprinkle on chervil or parsley.

6. Make 8 equally spaced dents in the onions to hold the eggs.

7. Crack eggs into dents.

8. Sprinkle with chervil or parsley.

9. Add cream to desired depth. Do not cover eggs entirely.

10. Bake uncovered fo 25-40 minutes or until desired doneness of eggs.

11. Optional:.

12. Add a layer of sliced, sauteed mushrooms or.

13. Add some white wine to the cream or.

14. Add a yellow or white onion layer or.

15. Add layer of crumbled bacon or sausage.


