Swiss Cheese Fondue (Kaesefondue)

Swiss Cheese Fondue (Kaesefondue)

1. Grate the cheese. Rub the fondue pot with the garlic clove. Warm 2 cups of wine in the pot and add the cheese, one handful at a time, stirring while it melts. Keep stirring or the cheese may clump.

2. Stir the flour into the Kirschwasser, then add it slowly to the pot. Even if the cheese is clumping a bit, this addition should help smooth it out. Add a little lemon juice (less than a tablespoon) and add pepper and freshly grated nutmeg to taste. Add more wine as necessary, to thin the fondue until it coats a piece of bread, but doesn’t take half the pot with it.

3. Take the fondue pot to the table and place in on its stand with a lighted Sterno can under it.

4. Eat the fondue by stabbing the bread cubes or vegetables with a fondue fork (a long handled, 2-prong, skinny fork with barbs so the bread doesn’t fall into the pot). Dip the bread into the cheese and swirl a bit to coat. Let it cool a few seconds before eating.


