Swiss Fennel Bulbs Au Gratin

Swiss Fennel Bulbs Au Gratin

1. Pre-heat oven 350°F.

2. Butter a Pyrex or oven-proof dish.

3. Boil Fennel bulbs in salted water or preferably pressure cook them until done/soft when pierced with a fork.

4. Remove, drain well.

5. Cut each fennel bulb horizontally in half.

6. Place cut half bulbs face down into a single layer on your oven proof dish.

7. Dust with all the seasonings (mentioned above).

8. Sprikle entire surface moderately with flour.

9. Dot with butter.

10. Sprikle generously with the grated chesse (mixture of different cheeses very good!).

11. Proceed to next layer if more fennel available and repeat above steps.

12. Pour sufficient milk or Half and Half until fennel is barely covered.

13. Evenly distribute 3/4 cup DRY White wine or the Extra Dry Vermouth over entire surface.

14. Bake about 30 -35 minutes or until golden and bubbly.


