Swiss Tofu

Swiss Tofu

1. Note: Freeze the tofu then thaw. After thawing press the tofu very well but gently to remove the excess water.

2. Slice the tofu into 3/8 inch slices. Marinate tofu in the next 4 ingedients in refrigerator for several hours at least. Overnight is best.

3. Add oil to a large nonstick skillet. Dip the tofu in the flour and brown in oil. Note if you did NOT press the tofu it will NOT brown.

4. Turn once and do not break the pieces to brown on both sides.

5. Add vegetables and puree and water any remaining marinade. NOTE this is not a meat dish. It is safe to use the marinade that you used for the tofu. Do not use this for any meat.

6. Cover skillet and cook over low heat for an hour.


