Syrian Mountain Bread

Syrian Mountain Bread

1. Make the dough and leave it to rise for 2 hours in a warm place.

2. Heat the olive oil in a small saucepan. Add the chillies, onions, leeks and lemon juice. Cook gently for 12–15 minutes, until everything is tender. Add the spices and salt and stir well. Leave to cool and set aside.

3. Preheat the oven to its highest temperature. Knock the air out of the dough, then tip it out onto a floured work surface. Cut the dough into 12 portions, then lightly flour each one and roll it out as thinly as you can. You are aiming for rough circles, around 18 cm (7 in) in diameter. Cook each round on a baking stone for 1–2 minutes until its starts to blister and color slightly. Actual baking time for the whole batch will depend on how many breads will fit comfortable on your stone at a time as stones come in a wide range of sizes.

4. Wrap the breads in a tea towel to keep warm while you bake the rest.

5. When all the breads are ready, smear each with a dollop of the chilli mixture. Roll them up and pack them into a baking tray. Warm them through briefly before serving with the goat’s cheese, if using.


