Tacitos Aka Breakfast Burritos

Tacitos Aka Breakfast Burritos

1. Put butter and grease in a 9" cast iron skillet and over medium heat, melt butter. When butter starts to bubble, add potatoes and stir to coat with oil/butter. Lightly season with salt and pepper, cover and reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring occasionally, until potatoes start to soften and brown, about 10 minutes. Remove cover, increase heat to medium, and continue to cook while stirring occasionally until potatoes are browned. Remove from skillet to a small bowl, cover.

2. Add chorizo to skillet after removing from casing over medium heat. Mash and stir, cooking for about 5 minutes.

3. Add potatoes to the chorizo and stir well until mixed, still cooking over medium heat for about 2 minutes.

4. While potato/chorizo is cooking, beat eggs until cream colored (I use a fork), add cream and mix to combine, adding salt and pepper to taste.

5. Add the scrambled egg to the potato/chorizo mixture, stir until combined. Let cook over medium low heat, stirring occasionally until eggs have set and you see steam coming up from eggs.

6. In a large preheated skillet or griddle, cook tortillas, turning often, until warmed through, about 2-3 minutes.

7. To assemble, add eggs/potato/chorizo mixture to cooked tortillas. Top with cheese and salsa. Roll up burrito style tucking in the ends.

8. FYI In Mexico, you can get potato/egg, chorizo/egg, ham/egg, bacon/egg, sausage/egg, etc., etc. Use whatever combination that you like. If you don't use the Mexican chorizo, add some Mexican seasons if you wish, oregano, cilantro, etc. to retain ethnicity. Or, you can play with the seasoning mix to your liking.


