Tagin Samak - Egyptian Fish Stew

Tagin Samak - Egyptian Fish Stew

1. Quickly fry fish filets in some oil, than let drain on paper towel.

2. Thinly slice onions.

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

4. In a skillet, melt butter and fry raisins until soft.

5. Remove from skillet, add sliced onions and cook until lightly browned.

6. Add tomatoes, parsley and sugar, bring to a boil.

7. Add cumin (more if desired), lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.

8. Put fish into baking dish, cover with tomato sauce and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

9. In a dry skillet, toast the pine nuts.

10. Divide fish onto platters and garnish with toasted pine nuts.


