Tagine Zaytoun For The Tagine!

Tagine Zaytoun For The Tagine!

1. Place the olive oil in the base of the tagine and lightly colour the onion and then add the chicken and seal well turning frequently.

2. Add the garlic, cinnamon and stock made with 1/2 pint of boiling water and the stock cube. Mix well then add the carrots and mushrooms before seasoning well with salt and pepper. Cover and cook for 2 1/2 hours.

3. Remove the tagine lid and check to see how everything is cooking. If the chicken is cooked until very tender and the carrots are soft then add the olives, replace lid and cook for a further 10-15 minutes.

4. If the sauce is a little thin, mix together 2 tbsp cornflour with 6 tbsp water and slowly add a little at a time to the tagine over a high heat and stirring CONTINUOUSLY until the sauce is thicken to a custard consistency.

5. Serve with fresh baked bread or as we do in our house with plenty of mashed potato!


