Tamarind - Date Chutney

Tamarind - Date Chutney

1. Place the sugar, dates and water in a saucepan over medium heat.

2. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 7-8 minutes, until the dates are very soft.

3. Stir in the tamarind.

4. Very carefully, pour the ingredients into a blender, clamp the lid down tight and blend until smooth (or blend in the pot with an immersion/stick blender).

5. Return the mixture to the pot and boil until thick enough to thinly coat the back of a spoon (the chutney will thicken more as it cools).

6. Stir in the spices and salt.

7. Taste for seasoning: the chutney should be equal parts sweet, salty and sour.

8. Add more tamarind, sugar or salt if any of these needs a boost.

9. Store in a covered container in the refrigerator.


