Taro Cooked In Coconut And Yoghurt Gravy

Taro Cooked In Coconut And Yoghurt Gravy

1. While buying the Taro, ensure it is white and juicy inside and not pink and dry. When the Taro is cut, there should be visible presence of sap.

2. De-skin the Taro and cut it into 3/4 inch sized cubes and soak it in water for 10mts.

3. Add water to a wok and when it starts boiling, add the Taro, turmeric and salt.

4. When the water starts boiling again, turn the stove to medium fire for 20mts.

5. In the meanwhile, ground the coconut and birds eye chillies into a paste. Not too fine.

6. When taro starts getting soft, add ground mixture to the wok and mix well and set it on low fire and let it simmer for 10mts.

7. Add the brown sugar and mix well and leave it to simmer until all the liquids evaporate. (At no point of time should the wok be covered).

8. Remove it off the gas and add the yogurt.

9. Fry the mustard, fenugreek seed and dry chillies (chopped into 2/3 pcs.) and add to the wok and mix well.

10. Serve with Indian bread (Roti/Chapati/Naan) or Rice.

11. Fried/roasted papadum will be a good accompaniment.

12. Don't forget to bless the Chef.


