Tatties And Mince

Tatties And Mince

1. Using a wok, saute the ground sirloin over medium heat.

2. When the meat is browned, drain it, but do not rinse.

3. Turn heat to low and add spices (except bisto).

4. Mix for 2 minutes.

5. Mix 2 Tbsp bisto powder and 2 cups cold water together (not into the meat).

6. Add roughly half of the gravy to the meat and increase heat to medium.

7. stir for 5 minutes.

8. Add the rest of the gravy.

9. stir for 5-10 more minutes.

10. Use the rest of the water and bisto to make more gravy and add slowly over 5 minutes.

11. cook on low for 15-30 minutes until thick.

12. wash, peel, boil and mash the potatoes.

13. add milk and butter to the potatoes.

14. When ready, serve meat over the potatoes.


