Ten-Minute Cheater'S Pizza

Ten-Minute Cheater'S Pizza

1. Want pizza? It takes a few minutes! Here's the trick: keep pitas or tortillas, meat, and cheese in the freezer.

2. You can freeze a 2 inch stick of pepperoni in the freezer, and cut off the amount you need with a good sharp, warm, knife.

3. If you have a bag of shredded mozza in the freezer, it is easy to take only the amount you need.

4. Always keep a can or jars of plain tomato sauce in the house (you can then use it for pasta or other meals too).

5. Put tomato sauce on pita, put on basil and oregano, then cheese, then veggies, then meat.

6. Stick it in the oven or toaster oven at 375F degrees for about 7 minutes (until done).

7. Sometimes I make the original recipie with hot italian sausage.

8. You can keep a link of italian sausage in the freezer.

9. Just make sure you skin and cook it first (takes only a few minutes in a frying pan).

10. A good snack or appetizer I make uses a tortilla, tomato sauce, basil, a little freshly ground pepper, and feta cheese.

11. Simple, and tastes gourmet!


