Tepid Sauté Of Spinach, Shrimps And Tangerines With Dijon

Tepid Sauté Of Spinach, Shrimps And Tangerines With Dijon

1. Boil the shrimp in salty water for 2 minutes. Once cold peel them.

2. Peel the tangerines and separate them in segments removing the white skin so they will not be bitter.

3. Prepares the creamy vinaigrette by mixing the olive oil with the mustard and reserve.

4. Sauté shrimp for 3 minutes.

5. Add the tangerines and spinach and sauté for an additional 5 minutes. Season to taste.

6. Draw some lines on the serving plates with the creamy vinaigrette and place the sauté in the middle decorating with mint leaves.


