Texas Pozole

Texas Pozole

1. Boil pork rib pieces in 4 quarts of water for one hour. Strain cooked down bones and reserve liquid. You can discard the rib bone pieces. Boil two cups of water and pour into bowl with ancho chiles. Place plate or smaller bowl on top of chiles to hold them under water. Steep for 30 minutes. Drain liquid from chiles and reserve. Seed and stem the peppers and place in blender with reserved liquid. Blend until smooth. Cut pork shoulder into ~1" pieces. Heat olive oil over medium high heat and add pork shoulder pieces in batches to brown. Once all pork has been browned add to pot of liquid reserved from cooking rib pieces. Add in half of onion, all three cans of drained/rinsed hominy, all spices(except cilantro) and pepper to taste. Bring to boil and hold for fifteen minutes. Reduce heat to low simmer for approximately three hours until meat is super tender.

2. Serve with garnish of shredded cabbage, radishes, and cilantro.


