Thai Chicken Pizza With Sweet Chili Sauce

Thai Chicken Pizza With Sweet Chili Sauce

1. Preheat oven and pizza stone to 550* (or as high as your oven will go, may only be 500*).

2. Prepare your dough to top. You can prebake your crust for a minute or two after brushing with olive oil, or you can do as I do and just top the dough since I bake at such a high heat.

3. Brush crust with olive oil. Spread on Thai Sweet Chili Sauce as thick or thinly as you like. (It is very sweet with just a hint of heat, I happen to love sweet and savory together, so I use a lot and add a pinch or two or crushed chili flakes).

4. Layer on italian cheese and half of the cheddar. Add veggies, chicken, remaining cheddar. Sprinkle on sesame seeds allowing some to get on the untopped crust as well.

5. Working quickly so as not to let the oven temperature drop, transfer pizza to pizza stone using a pizza peel, cookie sheet, or parchment paper.

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes depending on the amount of toppings you added and how done you like your crust. If you have never baked a pizza at this high of heat before, you should DEFINITELY watch it like a hawk the first few times so you don't burn it. I have been told (and agree) that the high heat gives you more of a pizzaria-style pie!

7. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a minute. Drizzle with siracha and sprinkle with cilantro if desired.


