Thai Coconut Ball (Ka Nom Tom)

Thai Coconut Ball (Ka Nom Tom)

1. First mix glutinous-rice, rice flour and white sugar together and gradually add warm water until the mixture starts making a dough.

2. Keep mixing the dough and add some pandan extract until the color is homogeneous. Leave the dough at room temperature for 10 minutes.

3. Then make a stuffing by melting brown sugar in the sauce pan and add 1 cup of coconut.

4. Lower the heat and keep stirring the mixture until the mixture start to be sticky. let it cool down or put in the fridge.

5. Make a small ball of coconut stuffing about hazel nut size.

6. Cover the stuffing with dough.

7. Boil water in the pot until it boils.

8. Put the prepared coconut balls into the water and boil until they float.

9. Take them out of the boiling water and rest on the sieve to remove excess water.

10. Put the boiled coconut ball into a cup of shredded coconut to coat the ball.

11. Serve them warm.


