Thai Curry Chicken Pie

Thai Curry Chicken Pie

1. Season flour with salt and pepper.

2. Toss chicken in flour then shake off excess.

3. Heat oil in large skillet on high and cook chicken in batches for 5-6 minutes or until golden brown on all sides.

4. Add the green onion and mushrooms, cook for 1 minute.

5. Add the curry paste and cook, stirring for 1 minute.

6. Add coconut cream, kaffir lime leaves, peas, lime juice and rind, reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes.

7. Remove lime leaves and stir in coriander.

8. Allow to cool.

9. Preheat oven to 200C (400F).

10. Lay pastry out on a work surface and cut two 1cm strips from sides of each sheet.

11. Place one of the pie dishes upside down on the pastry sheet and cut out 4 circles, 1cm larger than the rim of the dish or bowl.

12. Divide curry mixture between the pie dishes.

13. Press a pastry strip around each rim and brush with water.

14. Carefully lift pastry lids over top and press firmly around edges to seal well, trim edges with a sharp knife.

15. Brush pie tops with beaten egg.

16. Bake for 20 minutes or until puffed and golden.


