Thai Green Paste

Thai Green Paste

1. Chop the roots of the bunches of coriander and put in the blender and give a quick burst to break up.

2. Now add the coriander stems to the blender and give another quick burst.

3. Chop the leave section into segments and add to the blender and give quick bursts (you may have to do the leaves in batches depending on the size of your blender) and with each burst and as you blend down you can add more until you have mixed all and then transfer to a bowl.

4. Put the garlic, ginger and chillies (including seeds) and roughly chopped spring onion and blend and then add to the coriander mix and mix both well together.

5. Now add the turmeric (use a metal spoon unless you want yellow staining), fish sauce and then gradually add the olive oil to you get the consistency you want.

6. Put the mix into an airtight container and keep in the fridge and it will keep for 7 days.


