Thai Mussaman Curry Paste

Thai Mussaman Curry Paste

1. Break the red chilies open and discard the seeds. Cut the stems off and discard.

2. Soak the dried chilies in a bowl of hot water for 30 minutes.

3. Cut the tender lower half of the lemongrass stalk into small pieces. Place in a frying pan.

4. Add the green onions, garlic, and galangal/ginger and dry-fry for a minute, stirring constantly.

5. Add the seeds, cloves and peppercorns and continue dry-frying for 6 minutes, stirring constantly.

6. Spoon the mixture into a spice grinder or large mortar.

7. Drain the chilies and add to the grinder/mortar. Grind to a paste consistency.

8. Add the shrimp paste, salt, sugar and oil and continue grinding into a paste.

9. Use as necessary and then store sealed tightly in fridge for up to 4 months.


