Thai Sweet Rice With Mangoes

Thai Sweet Rice With Mangoes

1. Wash and rinse the rice in cold water until clean.

2. Soak the rice in water overnight (so it'll absorb some water).

3. Line the steamer (I hope you have one) with cheesecloth, and pour the rice onto it, draining the water.

4. Cook the rice for about 35 to 45 minutes or until cooked, periodically sprinkle water on it to keep it moist.

5. In a saucepan, stir in 3/4 can of the coconut milk, and when it boils, add 3/8 cup of sugar.

6. When the rice is cooked, put it in a large container, and quickly add the coconut milk mixture.

7. Stir with a wooden spoon until well-blended.

8. Let it sit, covered with a clean cloth, until cool enough to eat.

9. In the same saucepan, heat up the rest of the coconut milk.

10. When it boils, add the sugar and the cornstarch mixture.

11. Fix to taste.

12. The sauce should be quite sweet and gravy-thick.

13. Peel the mangoes and slice them into bite-size pieces.

14. Spoon the sweet rice on a plate, top with coconut milk, and sprinkle some of the beans on top, then arrange the mangoes slices on the side.


