The Best All Purpose Deep Fry Batter

The Best All Purpose Deep Fry Batter

1. Mix all dry ingredients, except the extra flour, whisk together.

2. Add beer and only mix lightly.

3. DO NOT over mix. If there are flour lumps just squish with the back of a spoon.

4. You want the mix to be blended but not overmixed as it will not 'puff up' when deep-frying.

5. For fish,shrimp, and 'meaty or wet' items I usually towel dry them and dredge them in the additional flour.

6. Then dip and cover in mixture. Let the excess drip off and when putting any item in the deep fryer -- use tongs.and dip whatever you are deep frying in the oil for about 10 seconds, then release.

7. This prevents the food from sticking to the bottom of the fryer. (Took us a while to learn that technique).

8. When it comes to fish or something long or big -- I just put the first inch or 2 in and let it bubble for a few seconds so that I know it won't sink to the bottom and stick. (I truly hated that with deep frying).


