The Best Oven Roasted Beef Ever!

The Best Oven Roasted Beef Ever!

1. Preheat oven to 325F.

2. Rub salt and pepper into beef roast.

3. Massage mustard into beef roast.

4. Set beef roast in desired roasting pan and cover with sliced onions.

5. Add a small amount of water to the bottom of the pan if you wish.

6. Cover with aluminum foil and roast about 1 hour.

7. Uncover and roast for 30 minutes more.

8. Cooking time will be less for medium/rare. Use a meat thermometer as your guide.

9. Remove roast from oven and transfer roast and onions to serving dish. Cover with foil and LET REST FOR 20 MINUTES.

10. Place roaster pan on burner (or transfer liquids to burner-safe pan) on medium heat and whisk in flour to create a gravy.

11. Slice beef very thinly and serve with mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, and gravy.


