The Best Veggie Burgers Ever!

The Best Veggie Burgers Ever!

1. Directions:

2. Boil the potatoes till soft, peel off skin and mash them in a big bowl.

3. Boil the peas, carrots and string beans till soft and add to mashed potatoes and mash the whole mixture well.

4. Add the ginger and green chilly paste. Add salt and sugar and mix well.

5. Make round patties by scooping up handfuls and shaping them and place on a dish covered with foil. Cover the patties with foil after done.

6. Coleslaw.

7. Mix all the ingredients mentioned in a big bowl till well incorporated.

8. Keep aside in refrigerator.

9. Now take a flat skillet, heat it, pour a small amount of oil on it and place the patties to cook.

10. Lower heat to medium and cook on both sides till golden brown.

11. (Note: For this step, you can also roll the patties in breadcrumbs before cooking).

12. Take a burger bun, place it on the skillet and lightly heat on both side till it shows some color.

13. Take a dish, place the bottom half of the bun on it, and spread some mustard and mayonnaise on it. Put a couple of lettuce leaves on top of it.

14. Now place the cooked patty on it.

15. On the patty, put some coleslaw and place one or two slices each of tomato, onion and cucumber.

16. Close the top of the bun and take a BIG JUICY bite!

17. These should be served with ketchup and fries on the side. The patties are good enough to eat as is also, if you do not want to make a burger.

18. These are the best burgers you will eat, both juicy and flavorful unlike the dry patties you get elsewhere.


