The Cuban Missile Crisis Breakfast Sandwich

The Cuban Missile Crisis Breakfast Sandwich

1. Split English muffin. Break up the pepper jack so that the slice can be distributed across both halves of the muffin. Toast to medium.

2. In a non-stick skillet on medium-high heat, heat Canadian bacon and Pork. Both are already cooked, so this is merely to get them hot again. Once cooked, removed pork and bacon to a plate and place in warmer if possible.

3. In the same skillet cook eggs to preference. I prefer over easy or medium so the yolk stays runny. A Teflon ring helps to keep the egg the proper size. Poaching is also a possibility.

4. Once toasted, spread mustard on the bottom side of the English muffin and the relish on the top. Layer pork, then egg, then bacon.

5. Season with salt and pepper as necessary.

6. Enjoy!


