The Only Soup Ever Eaten By Queen Victoria

The Only Soup Ever Eaten By Queen Victoria

1. Rinse barley and put into a deep saucepan with 1 cup water. Scald and drain.

2. Add white stock to the barley, cover, and simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

3. Remove 1/3 of the soup to another saucepan. Rub remainder through a fine sieve or put into a blender. Pour into the unsieved soup. Add 1 cup heavy cream gradually, stirring constantly. Salt to taste. Makes 6 servings.

4. FOR THE STOCK: Parboil bones just long enough for scum to rise to the top. Skim thoroughly and drain. Cover the bones again with 4 1/2 quarts cold water, and remaining ingredients. Bring to boil and cook slowly for 2 hours. Strain and cool. Remove any fat that has risen to the top and refrigerate. Makes about 1 1/2 quarts.

5. BOUQUET GARNI: A collection of herbs (traditionally fresh parsley, fresh/dried thyme and bay leaf) that are bundled together or placed in a cheesecloth bag and added to the pot to flavor a soup, stew, or broth. They are tied/bagged together so they can be removed easily at the end of the cooking.

6. Royal Cookbook Favorite Court Recipes from The World’s Royal Families.


