The Very Best Cabbage Rolls Aka Sarmas

The Very Best Cabbage Rolls  Aka Sarmas

1. Core cabbage and boil in pan of water with 3 tblsp vinegar,boil about 25 minutes till leaves are soft.

2. While the cabbage is boiling,cook bacon, crisp and crumbled set aside.

3. Saute onions and garlic,set aside.

4. Mix beef and pork with eggs,spices,rice and 1/2 cup onions and garlic and bacon.

5. Cut thick vein from leaves.

6. Fill cabbage leaves with 2 tblsp of filling place seams down.

7. Combine sauce,sauerkraut,remaining onions,garlic, sugar,salt,paprika,and pepper. Pour over cabbage rolls.

8. Can be made in crockpot 6-8 hours low or stovetop bring to boil cover and simmer 3 hours or in the oven 350 foil covered for 2 hours.

9. When the rolls are done add a mix of cornstarch and water to thicken the sauce and pour over rolls to serve.


