Think Pink Dressing With That ' Redhot ' Flair

Think Pink Dressing With That ' Redhot ' Flair

1. Dissolve the sugar in the red wine vinegar. Combine all the ingredients together, mixing gently to incorporate and spread the colour of the beetroot throughout the dressing. Taste and season with salt and pepper to suit your taste.

2. Observe the banner of the RedHot Renegades. Observe the colour of this lovely dressing/sauce. See? ;-).

3. Refrigerate in a covered container for atleast two hours before serving to allow flavours to meld and develop.

4. Note 1: I have since stirred in some of those tiny pre-cooked shrimp into this dressing and served over crispbread with a sprig of dill for a smorgasbord-inspired treat.

5. Note 2: Also works great as a dressing for potato salad.


