Tiger'S Quiche - Jamie Oliver

Tiger'S Quiche - Jamie Oliver

1. Preheat the oven to 190° Celsius.

2. Rub together the flour and the fat.

3. Add the eggs and bring together carefully.

4. Chill in the refrigator for 1 hour.

5. Once your pastry has chilled roll it out to fit an 11-inch/28-centimeter tin with a removable bottom and bake it blind for 10 minutes.

6. Lower the oven temperatur to 180° Celsius.

7. Mix all the filling ingredients together then pour the filling into the pastry case.

8. Sprinkle over the goat's cheese, lay over the pancetta slices and then finish off with a drizzle of thyme oil.

9. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.


