

1. Boil the chicken in water (in appropriate size pan) until cooked through. Take the chicken off the bone and set aside the broth.

2. In a saucepan, heat oil over medium heat.

3. Saute garlic, onion and garlic for about 2 minutes.

4. Add the chicken and saute for another 2 to 3 minutes. You may add more oil to help prevent the chicken from sticking to the bottom of the pan if you wish.

5. Season with fish sauce and salt.

6. Add chicken stock and papaya, then bring to a boil.

7. Add spinach. If it seems a bit bland, add more salt or fish sauce to taste. Cover and remove from heat.

8. Let it stand 5 minutes to let the spinach cook from the soup's heat.

9. Serve with rice.


