Tomato Aspic With Shrimp Salad

Tomato Aspic With Shrimp Salad

1. Sprinkle gelatin over water in a saucer.

2. Meanwhile, heat tomatoes, onion, green pepper, hot sauce, Worcestershire, and garlic powder.

3. Add gelatin and stir.

4. Remove from heat.

5. Add Lemon juice and vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

6. Mix thoroughly and pour into a 6 cup ring mold.

7. Refrigerate for several hours until thoroughly set, or put in freezer to speed up process.

8. To serve, put bottom of pan in hot water, and run a knife along the ring to loosen.

9. Combine may & lemon juice, combine with shrimp. Spoon salad in the center of the ring.

10. Serve on a decorative plate with lettuce leaves.

11. Enjoy!


