Tomato Bread

Tomato Bread

1. Slice the loaf of bread down the center (as if you were cutting it open to make a sub sandwich).

2. Toast the bread. We always throw it on the grill, cut side towards flame, and toast it to a golden brown. However, you could toast it under the broiler.

3. Take the peeled garlic cloves and cut in half. Take each half and rub the cut side of the garlic into the toasted side of the bread. The cloves will start to splinter and break apart. Just smear them all on until they are gone.

4. Cut the tomatoes in half. Smear the tomato into the toasted half of the bread. Again, it will fall apart as you smear it on and that's what you want. The goal here is to smear in the juice for the tomato. I don't usually leave behind big chunks of tomato. Once the bread has been smeared well, discard the remainder of the tomato that has the skin attached. Repeat with the other half tomato and half of bread loaf.

5. Drizzle each bread half with the extra virgin olive oil. **Note, I always skip this step. It saves on calories and I think the bread is flavorful enough without the oil. However, some people really enjoy the addition of flavor that the extra virgin olive oil provides.

6. Sprinkle bread with salt, to taste. Slice and serve. We usually slice the bread into 4 servings per half loaf.


