Tomato Veggie Soup

Tomato Veggie Soup

1. Emptied stewed tomatoes, tomatoes, tomato sauce and juice into stockpot with juice.

2. Put chicken or beef instant granules into hot water, whisk to mix, needs to be strong, add to the above.

3. This is the the base for the soup (If you wish,make it vegetarian, leave out the instant granules and add another can of tomato sauce).

4. Add the soup ingredients to base in a stockpot.

5. Bring to a boil.

6. Boil 5 minutes.

7. Turn to low simmer for 1 hour.

8. If desired, pre-cooked pasta or rice may also be added.

9. Note: Do not add salt without tasting, there is enough in cans.

10. Note: Quantities are whatever you want, you can use 6 cans or 12 cans or pounds and pounds of fresh veggies, all fresh or all canned, or both combined, just about any kind of veggies.

11. Always keep the veggies chunky, they look better and don't cook away.

12. Left over cooked veggies can be used, make base and add precooked veggies, do not boil, warm up only.

13. The stewed and canned whole tomatoes, sauce and V8 form the base with the beef or chicken broth.

14. If you increase/decrease the veggie quantities you must increase/decrease the base quantities accordingly.


